Become your own Alchemist!

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Love getting creative with your skincare routine? Check out this awesome video that shows you how to combine your Sorella Facial Nectar with our Grapefruit Polishing Power to make an awesome exfoliating cleanse. (no sound on video)

Don’t be Afraid of Acids!

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Acids sound scary, but they are an essential part of any skincare routine. They can offer very specific results when used properly. Find out more below!

Get to know Lactic Acid

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Lactic Acid WHAT IS IT? Lactic Acid is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) that is derived from milk. It is naturally occurring in our own bodies every single day. It has many benefits and has been widely used for skin for many years. Think of Cleopatra in her famous milk baths! Some Benefits of Lactic […]

The Balm really IS the BOMB!

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Is your skin feeling dry this winter season?!     Give The Balm a chance to work its magic!           Rich in antioxidants & powerful peptides, this wonderful moisturizer hydrates, reduces the appearance of aging & protects the skin!     We’ve added Beeswax to help protect the skin, but never […]

Need a Skin Detox?

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There are so many fun activities during the holidays, but sometimes the fun can wreak havoc on your skin.     We’ve put together a quick list of ingredients that will help keep your skin glowing through the festivities!                  

Come check out our Skin Type Quiz!


Finding the right products for your skin type can be overwhelming. Maybe you aren’t sure of your skin type, or you just don’t know which products you should use to start. We ALWAYS recommend you see your esthetician to find the perfect Sorella regimen, however if you’d like to get to know your skin better […]

You NEED to Add Retinol to your Regimen


It’s not magic, it’s science! Derived from Vitamin-A, it is proven that adding retinol to your skincare arsenal will improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. But retinol’s benefits don’t stop there. It will help brighten the skin and can also help with acne and breakouts. We’ve added some amazing vitamins and anti-inflammatory ingredients […]

Fall into Autumn with our Pumpkin Mask


Our Papaya & Pumpkin Mask will become your favorite treat this fall! ~Pumpkin pulp gently exfoliates the skin while it soothes & heals. ~Papaya Enzymes remove dead skin cells while repairing damaged skin. ~Honey adds moistures to the skin while being naturally anti-bacterial. Check it out here: Papaya & Pumpkin Mask

High & MIGHTY Hyaluronic Acid!

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As we age, one of the things our skin loses its ability to HANG ON TO MOISTURE! This leaves our skin feeling drab & dry. Adding products that contain hyaluronic acid will return moisture to the skin and add that plumpness that we desire for a youthful, dewy appearance! It will also help to instantly […]

Stop the Glorification of Busy


We posted this quote on our Instagram page a while back and I can’t seem to get it out of my head. Emily and I started Sorella Apothecary while planning weddings, growing humans (literally, haha) and now raising busy humans. Needless to say-“busy” has been a BIG describing word in our lives! “BUSY” I’d like […]

Application Matters!


How you apply your eye cream can make a big difference! Here are two eye cream tips from our amazing West Coast Sales Manager, Brittany Slowan: 1. Apply your serum under your eye cream for added benefits This allows the serum to penetrate the skin and give you those concentrated nutrients in that area. It’s […]

Transition your Skincare from Summer to Fall

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Fall is rapidly approaching as August winds down. While you anticipate the crunch of leaves and the coming of Pumpkin Spice you should also consider changing up your skincare routine! Let’s go over how to keep your skin radiant and glowing into fall & winter: A creamy cleanser will help to clean and hydrate without […]

Ingredient Spotlight-HONEY

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Great for both acne-prone skin & anti-aging, honey really IS the “bee’s knees”! These little buggers know what they’re doing. Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it works to prevent and heal acne. It also helps to open up and clean out pores-which is why we’ve included it in several of our masks and exfoliants! Honey […]

Summer Travel Tips

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If some last-minute summer travel is on your agenda, here are a few travel tips to help your skin look amazing when you step off the plane! Wear an SPF on the plane and sit in the aisle seat. That’s RIGHT! Those UV rays really penetrate the plane windows and you don’t need them adding […]

Hate the Feeling of Sunscreen? Here’s a Tip!

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Can’t stand the way SPF feels on your skin? Try this tip: Use a sponge to apply any SPF and it will help it soak into the skin better. (we like the Beauty Blender) We encourage you to try Sorella Sunscreens! They smell AMAZING & feel great on the skin. Everyone needs that extra protection […]

Tips and Tricks for Oily Skin

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One of the reasons I fell in love with skincare was because I have acne-prone, oily skin. After years of struggling with acne and a shiny T-zone, I realized the key to my skin type was finding balance! Here are my favorite oily skin tips: (proofed and approved by my esthetician & business partner, Emily […]

Sorella Takes Vegas


We are so excited to be going to the IECSC show in Las Vegas this weekend! This one of a kind city is home to one of our favorite shows. Our home office is located in northern Nevada, so Las Vegas is like our crazy cousin! . . We’ve expanded our set up and can’t […]

Maximize your Results with Layering!


Serums are so important to our skincare regimen. They offer the opportunity to rebuild our skin and correct your specific skin issues! Many people don’t realize that you can use more than one serum at a time to maximize your results. This is achieved through LAYERING! The trick is to layer your serums thinnest to […]

Heart of Charleston

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We absolutely love our Sorella partners and this one happens to be in the (voted) “Best City in the US”! We did a little interview with the owner, Crystal about her new Sorella Apothecary products and about her spa-Heart of Charleston. . Sorella: How long have you been in business? Heart of Charleston: I’ve been […]



What EXACTLY is an Apothecary? The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as follows: apothecarynoun [ C ] US ​/əˈpɑː.θəˌker.i/ ​ a person who in the past made and sold medicines A more descriptive version would be a place- before the pharmacist and before modern drugs-where a person behind a counter listened to your ailments and used […]

Morning Inspiration

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A little inspiration for your morning! Maybe this type of quote has become a cliche, but it’s still so important! Sometimes I flinch a little when I tell people I co-founded a skincare line…why?! Because oftentimes the next thing they do is evaluate my skin in their head. (how many spa professionals feel me?!????) …and […]

Sorella Apothecary – Professional Products vs Over the Counter

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We see a lot of people who don’t know WHY they should be using professional skincare versus something you can buy at the drugstore or even department store, so we wanted to dive into a quick overview! Professional Skincare Products 1. Contain high-quality active ingredients that focus on results for specific skin needs 2. Made […]

Sending Sorella Apothecary Skincare!

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We are SO excited to be sending out our first packages! We know you’re going to love everything about these beautiful boxes. (including what’s inside!) Here are some photos to get you as enthused as we are! Pretty packing tape GOLD & white filler because the inside of boxes should be pretty too! For all […]

Sorella Apothecary Skincare at the Chicago IECSC Spa Show

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We had so much fun at the Chicago IECSC spa show! It was our second spa show and we had a blast! Thanks to everyone who visited the Sorella Apothecary booth. Here are some fun pics from our trip: Such a beautiful city! We honestly have the most wonderful team! (Don’t they make our booth […]