We posted this quote on our Instagram page a while back and I can’t seem to get it out of my head. Emily and I started Sorella Apothecary while planning weddings, growing humans (literally, haha) and now raising busy humans. Needless to say-“busy” has been a BIG describing word in our lives!
I’d like to add that we have no beef with the word “busy”-just with the importance, we tie to its meaning.
I don’t think this quote aims to demean being busy. I think it’s more about the fact that our culture mirrors “busyness” with worth and importance. And that if every.second.of.every.day is not occupied-then you must be and sad, and lonely, and have no friends-& I hate that.
I hate it because how wonderful is a lazy Sunday morning snuggling your family? Or a weekday evening where you have no plans and can spontaneously take a bubble bath? (with a Sorella Mask on your face-no less!)
Studies have even linked boredom to being beneficial to creative thought!
I’d also like to think that most adventures turn into the best stories when they aren’t planned!